Sunday, June 19, 2016

[SDCPJ] Rally, March Press Conference Monday 6/20 @ 6pm : Linda Vista residents and community supporters denounce retaliatory evictions of tenants

Stop the eviction of families fighting eviction for speaking out against slumlords!

Join this event of San Diego Tenants United


Press Conference denouncing retaliatory eviction of Linda Vista tenants
Monday, June 20th at 6pm
2719 Ulric Street
San Diego, CA 92111
(A march will precede the press conference from 6952 Eastman St.)
Contact - Rafael Bautista: (619) 709-0942
Residents at the Linda Vista Park View Apartment Complex, owned by Michael Contreras of San Diego*, are being evicted after a filing grievances and protesting poor living conditions and rent increases in their complex. Members of the complex had taken their complaints against code violations and exorbitant rent increases public after being repeatedly ignored by property management.
In response to the protests, a recently announced rent increase of $500 was retracted by property management. At the same time, the families of Susana Garcia and Amir Gallegos were served eviction notices. Both tenants have been active in bringing attention to the numerous code violations in their apartments and protesting exorbitant rent increases while facing inaction on repairs.
Retaliating against tenants for asking for repairs is illegal. California State law -Cal. Civ. Code § 1942.5- prohibits landlords from retaliating against tenants. It is illegal for a landlord to retaliate against a tenant in California who has exercised a legal right, including:
·         complaining to the landlord about unsafe or illegal living conditions
·         complaining to a government agency, such as a building or health inspector, about unsafe or illegal living conditions assembling and presenting your views collectively—for example, by joining or organizing a tenant union, or
·         exercising a legal right allowed by your state or local law, such as withholding the rent for an uninhabitable unit.
A coalition of tenants from the complex, lawyers, housing rights advocates, and community supporters will be holding a press conference to discuss the case and announce a lawsuit against the property owner. Speakers will also address the need for code enforcement and rent control to keep San Diego families in safe and affordable homes. A rally and march will precede the press conference.
Speakers to include:
Susana Garcia -- Tenant facing eviction
Amir Gallegos – Tenant facing eviction
Hemelo Garcia – Tenant at Park View Apartments
Pedro Rios – Human rights activist
Christian Abasto – Tenants' rights lawyer
Rafael Bautista – San Diego Tenants United
>>Attached are photo examples of the numerous code violations
>>Also, here are links to previous video coverage

-Interview with Susana Garcia (who is being evicted) :

-footage of where the property owner reacted in a hostile manner. 




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